Contact Us
  • Welcome!
    Once registered and projects are identified this site provides the real time inspection results via email or text (SMS) message. It is an easy and convenient way to track the progress of projects of interest. This notification service is free to the users, however, phone carriers may charge data or text messages.
  • Attention Contractors
    You may receive notifications for any Project that is registered with the City and for which one or more permits have been issued. (You will need to know the Project number(s) to be tracked.)

    You may track inspection results for all Projects by your License(s) without having to itemize each Project. After you login go to Notify by License.

  • And more
    You can register to receive text messages that let you know when the inspectors will go to your sites to inspect.


The City of Houston does not charge for this service. However, if you have notifications sent to your cell phone your cell phone carrier may charge a fee for processing such messages. Please check your cell phone service agreement before having messages sent to your cell phone. To receive email your pc must have an internet connection. Internet connections require a carrier (telephone or cable company) and an Internet Service Provider (ISP.) Please check your agreements with these providers as to charges or limitations that they may impose on email or other internet traffic. The City of Houston is not responsible for any charges that you may incur from your use of this system.
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